Although the group members have been understandably busy with their own Christmas and New Year festivities, at the time of writing 29 bags of litter have been collected during December making a total of over 150 bags since the group was first formed at the end of August. That is a lot of litter removed from our environment and sadly there will no doubt be a lot more to come.
On December 30th a group pick was organised by Maureen Newton around the Butlers Hill tram stop. The photograph shows Maureen, Christine Eagle and Jean Dow committing 8 full bags of litter fittingly to the dustbin of History!
One more u3a member has joined the group which now stands at 21 members but there is always room for more. If you are interested in joining the group please contact me via the email address
Finally I would like to say a big thank you to all members of the group for their continued help and support and wish them all a happy, healthy and productive 2022.
Val Gant