The History Group always welcomes all u3a members – especially new ones – we have plenty of room. Our indoor meetings take place at Central Methodist Church on Baker Street, time 2pm – 4pm. It is always on the third Wednesday of the month. Due to a visit the next indoor meeting is on 15 May. If you have not booked for the visit I will see you then.
In March we had one of our favourite speakers Andy McKinnon to tell us about the history of Bestwood, it was amazing. It seems the map of Bestwood has stayed the same for hundreds of years. We heard that Nell Gwynne one of Charles II mistresses, who had some of the King’s children, rode round the area to claim it for her son, could we say for services rendered? He became the Duke of St. Albans. John Bentley one of our newer members was able to give us the benefit of his knowledge as well.
Pleasley Pit is the venue of our visit in April and we have a full bus of members. I am told we will get a guided tour of the premises and be able to see colliery items that are not usually on show. They also have a tearoom/canteen where we can get drinks and snacks. Great.
The next indoor meeting is 15th May when we have David Amos coming to show us images and give details of ‘A Brief History of the Village of Annesley’. David worked at Annesley Colliery and has been researching the village for years, I think we are in for a good afternoon. If you are not booked on the visit I will see you at the meeting in May.
Maureen Newton