The History Group always welcomes all U3A members especially new ones. Our usual meeting place is Central Methodist Church: time 2pm – 4pm ish – on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are now in the Church Room which it is hoped will be much better for those members who have hearing problems. I have asked for us to continue with this booking.
At the September main meeting at the John Godber Centre, we will taking bookings for the trip to Derby Museum on October 19th costing £10. First we get a talk about Joseph Wright of Derby (famous artist) and afterwards a self guided tour of the museum. (Don’t forget to look for the ancient dug out boats which were a special item for me) Kath has decided to retire from helping with visits but we say a grateful thank you for her expertise over the years. Kathy will continue with the help of Sue Knight.
The autumn season will commence on September 21st 2022. Denis Hill who is a brilliant speaker is coming to tell us about ‘Victorian Housing Conditions’ which is a century or so before most of the bureaucracy and health and safety rules came into being. It would no doubt cover the lifetimes of our great grandparents.
Kathy and Sue will again be taking bookings, just in case you missed the main meeting, for the trip to Derby Museum costing £10.
Bye for now – Maureen