The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our usual meeting place is Central Methodist Church: time 2pm – 4pm ish.
For the next indoor History Group meeting on Wednesday May 18th, 2022. I will do a presentation “Shopping Through the Years”. Come and see how shopping developed.
On April 20th the group visited Cromford Mill. The volunteers giving the guided tour were amazingly good and the Arkwright Experience was stunning. They sent a message to be passed on to say thank you for our attention during the tour.
At the next main meeting Kath and Kathy will be taking bookings for our much delayed visit to Doddington Hall on Wednesday June, 15th price £22. We leave Hucknall at 9.30am to get there for a tour of the house and leave Doddington at 4.00pm, returning to Hucknall at 5.30pm ish.
I have also contacted Kieran about the Bennerley Viaduct History tour as suggested at the meeting and he would like to know how many of us to expect. As I will be away Kath and Kathy will be taking names at the next main meeting on the 11th May for an afternoon visit; on 25th May; leaving Hucknall at 1.30pm and returning about 5pm.
Bye for now – Maureen