History Group

Last month our trip was to Derby to visit the Museum and Art Gallery.  I think everyone enjoyed the trip because everything worked out well.  The new coach firm, Vallances, superb, the driver very helpful, even the traffic seemed to co-operate.  

I wonder what was your favourite part of the building or the room you liked best?  There were several things I will remember particularly, the Egypt exhibition, the room of Joseph Wrights paintings and that amazing log boat.  

Our November meeting is at Central Methodist Church on 20th November at 2pm when the speaker is Bob Massey.  His topic is Remember, Remember the 5th of November Gunpowder, Treason and Plot and Guy Fawkes.  Bob has been to talk to us before on several occasions and is a very good speaker.

If you remember we are having to change a couple of dates next year which means the January meeting date is  January 8th and February 12th .  The second Wednesdays in the month.  Sue, Kathy and I are trying to get this settled which will enable us to get new flyers ready for the November meeting.

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