History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meetings are held at Central Methodist Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month commencing at 2.00 pm.

I have been busy revising the list of meetings and visits again and a copy is below. I will photocopy it for the first meeting we can attend. Incidentally we need to consider ideas for next year’s visits and speakers so please let me know what your thoughts are ASAP.

Local news: The old Co-op Bakery has been demolished with plans for houses on the site. The Dispatch Office is looking much better now the frontage has been refurbished. ‘Romans’ is an ongoing sore on Annesley Road however a message from the architect explained that the County Council (part which deals with roads) has changed over to another provider and the developer is waiting for them to set up barriers, etc. to enable contractors’ lorries to clear the site.

I am working on the 100th issue of Hucknall Torkard Times which is to be a ‘special’ one with extra pages to mark 25 years of publication. As we have been in lockdown, with less people shopping, I have been saving unsold copies to bring to the first meeting we can attend.

Bye for now, Maureen

Meeting dates: 3rd Wednesday of the month. For this year only I include July, August & December.
Venue for Indoor meetings: Central Methodist Church.
Time: 2.00 pm prompt.
This year meetings do depend on the Covid situation, government tiers and vaccines. Dates have been booked.

July 21st 2021 If a meeting is allowed??? I will organise something.
August 18th 2021 Malcolm Darroch is coming to talk about ‘When the Balloon went up’. (He says it is a fascinating story.)
September 15th 2021 Robert Mee is coming to talk to us on Bradshaws and an early railway Tour. (He says it is the famous railway timetable and a mystery tour.)
October 20th 2021 Visit to Sharpes Pottery and The Magic Attic. Leave Hucknall 12.15pm: Leave Sharpes 4.30pm, Return Hucknall 5.30pm (ish) Cost £11.
November 17th 2021 Visit to Richard lll & Leicester Cathedral. Leave Hucknall10.30am. Leave Leicester 4.00pm. Return Hucknall 5.30pm (ish)
December 15th 2021 Friends of Bennerley Viaduct. (Kieran Lee)Coming to talk about this historic monument past and future.
January 2022 John Tedstone coming to tell us about the U3A High Street project. Plus a member’s Hucknall High Street project.
June 2022 Visit to Doddington Hall and Gardens. Leave Hucknall 9.30 am: Leave Doddington 4.00pm. Return Hucknall 5.30pm(ish) Cost £20 -Price cut to the bone.

To contact Maureen, please use the form below:-

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