The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meetings are held at Central Methodist Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month commencing at 2.00 pm. I am hoping this year the first meeting will be July 21st with Kieran Lee talking about the Bennerley Viaduct.
Only two people replied to my question last month about Doddington Hall both thinking the best thing to do would be to change it to 2022. This made me realise that we should be booking speakers and visits for next year to make sure the best come to speak in Hucknall and we visit the best places. Ideas please.
Since I last spoke to you I have filled in my 2021 Census form. I am assuming you all got one for your household. While sitting there, black biro poised, did you give a thought to your ancestors who filled in their forms? Could some of them even fill the paperwork in themselves or were they illiterate? Did you think about the enumerators slogging round the streets collecting the forms when you pressed the button to send yours online or pushed it into the postbox? Enumerators had to help the householders by writing details in for those who couldn’t so I guess they would have headaches, be footsore and weary when they returned home to write up all the information into the census books. Something else I have considered is how my descendents will look at the information about me 100 years from now; what will they think and what will they do with it. Then thinking of a wider angle what will Hucknall look like in 100 years?
I am hoping the government will keep upgrading the records enabling them to be read on the different devices which will be available in the next century. It is only 30 years since my first computer and information from it can’t be read now.
Incidentally until the 1870 Education Act which allowed local government to set up School Boards it was not compulsory for children to go to school. Beardall Street was the first Board School in Nottinghamshire, built in 1872, opened January 13th, 1873. In 1891 a new Act made education free for all children until then schooling had to be paid for each week.
It occurred to me to check the history of British Summer Time or Daylight Saving Time as we alter the clocks again the end of March. It was first thought of by a chap called William Willett in the early 1900s – then the idea resurfaced in the Great War when the Summer Time Act was passed in the UK on 17th May 1916. In World War II in 1941 it was changed to Double Summer Time, then back to normal in 1945 but because of the severe winter of 1946/47 back it came for a while. Who remembers Double Summer Time when it never seemed to get dark? Info. very briefly from
T.T.F.N. & God bless from Maureen
2021 Meeting dates
We do not usually have indoor meetings in July and August but this year things are different. I am really hoping all will be well for us to meet in July and August and have rebooked the speakers accordingly.
July 21st 2021 Friends of Bennerley Viaduct (Kieran Lee)
Coming to talk about this historic monument past and future.
August 18th 2021 Malcolm Darroch is coming to talk about
‘When the Balloon went up’.
September 15th 2021 Robert Mee is coming to talk to us on Bradshaws and an early railway Tour. (He says it is the famous railway timetable and a mystery tour.)
October 20th 2021 Visit to Sharpes Pottery and The Magic Attic. Leave Hucknall 12.15pm: Leave Sharpes 4.30pm, Return Hucknall 5.30pm (ish) Cost £11. I am still awaiting confirmation from the museum and will book a visit elsewhere or have a speaker if there is a problem.
November 17th 2021 Rescheduled visit to Richard lll Centre & Leicester Cathedral. Leave Hucknall 10.30am; Leave Leicester 4.00pm; Return Hucknall 5.30 pm (ish). Cost £18.
December 15th 2021 Although the date is close to Xmas we could have a social ‘Faith Tea’ meeting if you wish. Please let me know.
I will photocopy this list for the ‘first’ meeting we can attend.