The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meetings are held at Central Methodist Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, commencing at 2pm. At present I am not sure when indoor meetings will restart – but – watch this space! I decided to re- schedule the visits due in 2020 to 2021 which means Richard lll is set for March 17th, 2021 – and remember money already paid for the trip is safe in the U3A bank. Please cross fingers, toes and anything else you can – that the visits will go ahead. Doddington Hall will be on 16th June. I am still waiting for Sharpes Pottery to reply. I look forward to seeing everyone but in the meantime please take care and stay safe.
No-one came back to me objecting or otherwise when I mentioned re-booking the speakers from this year for 2021 which means I will go ahead. However at present I feel booking for January and February is a bit iffy so if we can meet I will think of something history-based we can do to entertain ourselves. I have heard nothing about the idea for a book – Hucknall A – Z either and there have been no comments from anyone who has; or is; considering writing about their own history. I have nudged my brother to make an effort so it will be interesting to compare his memories with my own.
A while ago, I wrote about some bottles which had been found. Brenda Morris contacted me recently telling me what she knew about them. Brenda used to live on Albert Street and remembered the Walters dairymen bringing milk; she thinks at first with a horse and cart. Later they used a motorbike with not a sidecar, but a box on wheels attached, containing churns of milk. Customers went from their homes with a jug or container to the vehicle where long handled measures were used to dip into the churn and pour into the receptacle. This reminded me of Buckleys ice cream van coming round on Sunday afternoon and rushing out with a basin to be filled with ice cream to go with the tinned fruit for Sunday tea. Brenda also remembered playing with friends on Co-op Avenue. If they felt thirsty they knocked on the door of Mrs. Whyatt for a bottle of pop and she went to the ‘factory’ to fetch a bottle for the children. Would you like to bring any bottles you have to our first indoor meeting and I will bring mine? (Empty would be best? – or perhaps not!)
A member of the Catchpole family who lives away has contacted me asking for information. Catchpoles were in business as butchers on Annesley Road. One on the corner of Brook Street as a pork butcher and another general butchers shop. Can anyone remember them?
I have just realised that we will not have another U3A Newsletter before Christmas so I would like to wish every U3A member a happy, healthy and safe festive season hoping Santa brings us all a vaccine jab soon.
T.T.F.N. and God bless from Maureen