History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meetings are held at Central Methodist Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month commencing at 2.00 pm. At present I am not sure when indoor meetings will restart – but – watch this space! I decided to re- schedule the visits due in 2020 to 2021 which means Richard lll is set for March 17th, 2021 – and remember money already paid for the trip is safe in the U3A bank. Please cross fingers, toes and anything else you can – that the visits will go ahead. Doddington Hall will be on 16th June. I am still waiting for Sharpes Pottery to reply. I look forward to seeing everyone but in the meantime please take care and stay safe.

While I am thinking ahead would you like me to re-book the speakers from last year for 2021?

It is fairly recently that academics have considered the history of ordinary people and families worthwhile and have discovered how important this can be especially when they are researching more recent times. This is often called ‘living history’ which can date back 150 years or more. I noticed that the main U3A have suggested a few things to consider we do during the wait for a vaccine and one of them is to write about your own history. Have you tried? I have written what I remember up to being a teenager so far. If you have a piece of paper nearby you can jot down a word or two as reminders, when you think of them, as you wash up, cook meals or watch TV. Then write up a better record a little later. If there are memories from your parents or grandparents to include that is even better.

Something else which has come to mind when a friend in Forest Town U3A gave me a nudge is a new book/leaflet for Hucknall. They have done an A – Z book. Could this be an idea for an A – Z for Hucknall? Your thoughts would be very welcome. Any suggestions/ideas for a letter would be great and you would not have to be a member of the History Group.

No-one came forward last time with any news about ‘Hucknall’ bottles they own. I will bring those I have to the first indoor meeting.

Shall I say ‘Ask Me Another?’ If you have any questions I am happy to try helping by searching my own archive of memorabilia, photographs or records of Hucknall.

T.T.F.N. Maureen

To contact Maureen, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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