History Group

For the benefit of new members, all meeting are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except July, August & December. Indoor meetings are held at the Central Methodist Church at 2.00pm prompt.

Our January meeting was with Stephen Flinders and his Old Curiosity Box. It started a bit chaotically since Stephen lost his way round the new road system and we waited to see how he wanted the room setting out – however it was a great meeting with us trying to guess what his artefacts were. There was lots of pondering, talking and laughter – a super afternoon.

The next meeting on 19th February, 2020 is a Members’ Meeting – History Books. Tell other members about a ‘history’ book you have read, be it fiction or non-fiction; why it captured your imagination and why you think they should enjoy the read.

18th March, 2020 is the visit to the Richard lll Centre and Leicester Cathedral. Leave Hucknall 10.30am; Leave Leicester at 4.00pm. Return to Hucknall at 5.30pm (ish). Cost £18. The coach is fully booked and we have a reserve list. If it happens that you are unable to make it, please let myself, Kath or Kathy know as soon as possible. Thank you.

To contact Maureen, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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