Gardening Group News November

The October meeting included Sophie Timmerman giving us an illustrated talk about the history of Timmermans Garden Centre and how from her father coming to England in 1955 to grow roses, the next 50 years built on his success culminating in what they have today at Woodborough. Sophie brought her gardening expert, Steve, along to show us a few winter flowering shrubs and answer questions.
Our meeting at 2.00 p.m. Tuesday Nov 18th will be mainly given over to Ann from Brackenhurst college telling us about their Flower Pod venture – a gardening scheme set up for those with special needs. If you have any plants, seeds or produce to give away or sell please bring them along. Admission is open to any U3A members not necessarily members of our gardening group nor even restricted to members of Hucknall U3A. If you bring a friend from another U3A please ask them to bring their membership card just to prove that they are current U3A members.
Contribution from Alan ‘chief weeder’ Snape

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