Fun with Languages

Thanks to the amazing technology we are blessed with and the genius of Mark and others we were able to have our first Zoom meeting for our session on Spanish in April. We have also planned a Zoom coffee morning and chat for the end of the month.

I was delighted that so many managed to get online and it was great to see everyone’s smiling face and to know how all are bearing up during this sad and challenging time. We had fun checking on the Crossword puzzle I had sent out earlier, and it would be good for members to ensure they now know all the vocabulary on there. You have time!!! We also played Kim’s Game with 10 articles, relying on memory and being able to translate the items into Spanish. Well done, everyone.

Liz and I wish you all well as we soldier on. Like us you are probably missing family and friends, but we will get through this folks. There is hope.

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