Next screenings at St Peter and St Paul’s Church, 63 Ruffs Drive, Hucknall
On Thursday 23 August, at 1.00 pm. ‘La La Land’ (Cert 12)
On Saturday 8 September, at 2.00pm ‘Duck Duck Goose’ a lovely new family movie.
Rev Jo Stephens also adds that there will be a Cinema Review Meeting on 9th September in the Community Hall after the 10.00 am Church Service (so probably about 11.30am). If you would like to know anything more about the cinema club, or have suggestions for how things are run, do come along and have a chat and a cuppa with us. Alternatively please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let me know your own review of how the cinema club is going. If you would like to volunteer with the set up, on the door, or tidying up after the club we would be very grateful.
To contact Alan Snape, the group leader, please use the form below:-