As a new initiative across Notts u3a’s network of online groups, Carlton and Gedling u3a is sharing a:-
Film Study Group
Nearly all of us have computers, laptops or tablets. All of us have TVs, many with some sort of ‘smart’ capability. Many of us love films and there are loads of interesting films available for free on YouTube, BBC iPlayer and All4. What we do is select a couple of films to watch, then discuss and share our thoughts about them. Quite often, especially with classic films, we can find short YouTube videos to enrich our understanding and enjoyment of the film.
We meet on the fourth Monday in the month, 2 – 3.30 pm. We alternate a focus on a couple of classic films from the history of cinema with a focus on more recent films. We watch the films at times of our own choosing and then meet over the internet using zoom for the discussion and to choose our next films. To be able to join the Zoom discussion you will need a computer/laptop/tablet with a camera and microphone capability.
Opera Study Group
Our opera group has taken on a whole new lease of life since the lockdown started. We are now meeting twice a month, instead of once as previously. At each meeting we discuss an opera we have all watched in the preceding fortnight and one of us introduces the next opera we are going to watch in the next fortnight. So far, we have never had to pay to watch an opera, since there are so many operas available to stream for free.
We are a mix of opera novices and quite experienced opera fans and everyone is welcome whatever your level of prior knowledge. We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, 10.00am to 12 noon. To be able to join the Zoom discussion you will need a computer/laptop/tablet with a camera and microphone capability.
We have been watching operas on YouTube, usually on the Operavision website. The Operavision operas are usually high quality in performance, picture and audio. There are 30-40 operas available at any one time and they are usually available for a couple of months each. ALL FOR FREE. The repertoire is, if anything, particularly strong on operas which are less well known although there are lots of popular classics as well. Although we are not terribly advanced technically we are making use of the zoom facility for the host to introduce the next opera by showing clips using the shared screen.
There are no affiliation fees
If you are interested please contact (