The topics for discussion on Monday, 6th November, were met with the following results.
1. Children talking. This topic referred to the constant use by some young people of ‘I-Pads’ and other technologies which could be considered good and bad. It was agreed that communication as a face to face interaction is better and should be encouraged where and whenever possible
2.Concrete in buildings ie schools and hospitals. In discussion this was felt to be a recurring problem. Replace and or repair would be costly with an underlying question of who would provide the finances.
3. Do we feel safe in our homes? Main points raised were those of needful attention to measures for safety, eg. always keeping doors locked. It was pointed out due to heresay and experience the Police do not prioritise break ins and similar crimes.
4. The BBC It was pointed out that programmes particularly those referring to ‘the weather’ seem to be biased and conflicting with other channels. This led some members to see the company as unreliable and doubt as to the reliability of any TV companies.
5. Artificial grass. The members had differing opinions of the use of this feature. Is it environmentally good or not? We learnt it has some drawbacks – moss grows on it.
6. ‘Speeding’ This is a subject to be carried over to our next meeting in February 2024.