COVID-19 Updated Do’s and Don’ts


We’ll Start With the Obvious: Wash Your Hands With Soap.
Studies show that during hand washing, soap creates a chemical reaction that removes germs from your hands more efficiently than water alone. This is the most important protection against COVID-19. Wash your hands after being out in public, after you use the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and before preparing or consuming food—basically, as often as is practical.

Adhere to Social Distancing Recommendations
Social distancing guidelines come from a place of knowledge—they’ve prevented other novel viruses (like the flu of 1918) from exacting an even greater toll.

Self-Isolate If You Suspect You’ve Been Infected
If you’re ill with COVID-19, it’s important to occupy a separate bedroom from other members of your family if you can, and avoid sharing towels, bedding, glasses, plates and silverware until you’re recovered. This is key to slowing the spread of the virus, experts say. Follow the NHS instructions.

Check in With Others
“Social distancing only applies to physical space, not all human connections,”. “If you know someone who can’t go outside, like an older person, call them regularly.”

Even though gyms are closed, daily exercise is a key to staying healthy.

Disinfect Phones and ‘High-Touch’ Surfaces
Take a minute to wipe down frequently touched surfaces such as phones, computer keyboards, remote controls and light switches. Even in normal times, they can carry seven times more germs than the average toilet seat. Wipe them down with disinfectant daily

Wash Your Hand Towels
Experts recommend washing your kitchen hand towels after two days of use, in hot water, with a bit of bleach or a product with activated oxygen bleach.


Touch Your Face
Germs are most often introduced into our body when we touch our eyes, nose or mouth, experts say.

Sneeze or Cough Openly
Cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow—some call it “The Batman Sneeze”—or into a disposable tissue

Shake Hands
Not to encourage antisocial behavior, but now’s a good time to substitute a handshake for a wave or an elbow bump.

Drink Too Much Alcohol
It’s a scary time, but overindulging in alcohol isn’t the answer. Drinking too much can raise blood pressure and reduce immunity, two factors that could make you more susceptible to COVID-19 and complications.

Sleep Less
Sleep is a time when our immune system recharges, and a lack of quality sleep has been associated with other serious diseases. Aim for seven to nine hours a night.

Share Bogus Information
We all want our friends, loved ones and community to stay informed about COVID-19, but make sure any information you share comes from major news sources, hospitals and health organizations like the NHS and WHO.

Avoid Nature
Going outside during social distancing is “more than okay. It’s a good idea,” doctors say. “Just keep your distance from others. Walking, hiking and biking are good. Contact sports are not. Exercise is physically and mentally important, especially in stressful times.”

Use Hand Sanitizer That’s Less Than 60% Alcohol
Experts say 60% and above are necessary to kill germs.

Go to an A and E Unless You’re Seriously Ill
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, call 111 for advice. Don’t go to an A and E unless you’re having trouble breathing; you might infect others there. Phone for advice first and you will be told what to do.

Blame Others
Viruses don’t belong to one country or discriminate about who they infect. Blaming one country or group of people for COVID-19 isn’t emotionally healthy or constructive.

Visit Your Grandchildren In Person or they visit you.
Older people are more susceptible to complications from COVID-19. Move any visits to Skype or Face Time for now.

One Final Thought
If each and every one of us follows this simple checklist, we can get through this pandemic with fewer infections and fewer deaths.

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