Committee Corner

The Accounts for the previous month were examined and approved. Our financial situation is very sound, helped greatly by the commission received from those members taking holidays from Riviera Travel.

David Rose updated members on the various Short Courses and Films planned for the rest of the year.

Everything was running smoothly with regard to the website and general U3A equipment.

Mark Jackson updated the Committee on the running of the Beacon system and its advantages

The Speaker’s Secretary informed the meeting that next week’s Speaker had now withdrawn and a new Speaker was being arranged.

Reports from the feedback on the recent Northern Soul night had been very favourable.

A discussion took place regarding Membership Renewals for next year.

Barrie thanked Margaret Huckerby and her helpers for the high quality and good variety of Speakers attending the Monthly Meetings this year and her support for the Network of Speaker Organisers within the County.

Several Members had supported the setting up of new U3A’s in Calverton and Bulwell.

Barrie Saunders,

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