Spring is here, with snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils blooming everywhere, and things looking up pandemic-wise too. Thank goodness, although I think it may be a while before the choir can sing together again, sadly, we may be amongst the last groups able to resume meetings. It seems singing means lots of heavy breathing and potentially exhaling lots of air droplets on others, which sounds more exciting than only singing, but our choir members do put a lot into it!
Since the last Newsletter one of our members responded to a request for a sung birthday greeting, which I believe went well. It was her first time Ringing and Singing and she was a little nervous, but happy to do it. I hope her efforts were enjoyed, and the unexpected greeting gave a little additional pleasure to the recipient on her special birthday.
This sounds almost too good to be true, but it may be time to tune up folks, dust off our music and exercise our vocal chords, things may be beginning to get back to the longed-for normal (second vaccines next month). Till then, stay safe, we’re nearly there.’