Busy Weekenders!

The events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously
places are sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served; I should be grateful if you could let me know if you are interested in these events as soon as possible so that I can let other members know if I have places left.
Although our umbrellas were going up and down like Jack In The Boxes we enjoyed Sunday lunch at Savile’s Restaurant, Rufford Abbey, on 4th June followed by a concert by Harworth Colliery Band in the Coach House Courtyard. We then had a Bus Pass Day Out to Loughborough on the 10th June and participated in the “Picnic in the Park” at Queen’s Park, Loughborough. On 24th June we had programme planning at our Coffee Club session and look forward to many events in the next three months. Our first event was a Garden Afternoon Tea on 1st July in Margaret White’s lovely garden when after a week of rain, the sun shone beautifully. A trip to Lichfield Arts Festival is planned for July 8th.
For any information about the Weekenders Group, please contact Sandra Green on the form below or tel. 0115 8408132
Weekenders’ Programme July – September 2017

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