Busy Weekenders

Our Coffee Club get together was on Saturday, 27th August, when we planned our events between September and December and there is an information slip available at the monthly meeting with all the details, so please help yourself and come and join us. A copy of the programme will also be on the Hucknall U3A website. All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously places are sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served; I should be grateful if you could let me know if you are interested in these events as soon as possible so that I can let other members know if I have places left.
Our August outing was to Cromford Mills on 7th August; lovely weather and a lovely setting for shopping and Sunday lunch, as well as interesting exhibitions etc. about the Mills themselves. On the day we went there was a Scarecrow Festival, with both “live” scarecrows and stuffed ones, a climbing wall (and no, none of us attempted it), demonstrations of owls and parrots, crafts, model boats and canal barge art. We can certainly recommend it as a place to take the grandchildren with lots of different activities. See the Cromford Mills website for a list of all the events taking place this year. Our quiz on the bus home was won by Cath Richardson and Doreen Newton.
weekendersSept16a weekendersSept16b weekendersSept16c
We had an Afternoon Tea on 20th August at the home of Christine Wheatley; unfortunately the weather had turned two days previously so our planned outdoor tea turned into an indoor one, albeit in the conservatory where we could hear the rain drops pitter patter on the roof and watch the plant pots being blown over! Members provided a wide range of Afternoon Tea comestibles and an Afternoon Tea quiz was won by Anita Lingard and Jean Martin.
Weekenders’ Programme
Would anyone like to join me for Saturday Lunch at Arunothai (Farleys Lane) on 10th September at 12.15? A two course lunch is £7.99. Contrary to fears, the food is not hot and spicy (unless you request it) and the atmosphere is lovely. So far, it’s just me going but I would like some company!
The following Saturday we are going to the newly opened “Cod’s Scallops” on Mansfield Road (near Lidl) at 11.30 am if you would also like to join us there.
Our September Coffee Club will be on Saturday, 24th and the topic for discussion (amongst others!) will be “Houses I have lived in”.

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