Although there is insufficient reliable information on concerts and such to warrant a bulletin of planned program’s; film information is a much more positive situation. All cinemas in our area are now showing films, albeit that they are restricting audiences with a heavy emphasis on protection.
Our two local venues of The Arc and The Bonington are both issuing programmes and in the past month Colleen and I have enjoyed four showings sitting safely spaced out over 25% of the theatres.
Please contact me if you would like to be included in the circulation of the calendar each month. This year I plan to separate off the cinema section into The Film Club and I will attempt to include a description of what each film is about and who is in each film.
When booking seats at The Bonington on line you are asked to select your seats from a seating plan which only offers safe seats. The bar is open and drinks both alcoholic or coffee are available to take into the film with you.
To contact Alan, please use the form below:-