The choir were pleased to welcome new members at our last practice and there is still room for more members if anyone is interested in joining us on our twice monthly practices.
As we have gained a few new members it would be very helpful for the return of any music and folders from ex-members to enable me to pass these on to our new members for their use. I would be happy to receive these at the next U3A meeting or these could be returned through any existing choir member.
A member of the group announced that the Drivetime Choir will be happening again in June and a number of members were interested in taking part in this event, giving the choir members the opportunity to sing with the Halle Orchestra. This event is open to anyone who is interested in singing, there is no audition, but members need to attend the practice sessions. There is a fee and application forms can be found on their website.
For further details of the choir please see board in the information room or direct contact to me Doreen Newton.
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