Weekenders’ Group Events

The events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Unfortunately for the Weekenders Group at the moment we are having to limit numbers to a maximum of 16 for outings and 12 for Social Evenings and Coffee Club. So it’s regulars first come, first served.

I should be grateful if you could let me know if you are interested in these events as soon as possible so that I can let other members know if I have places left. Lunches are open to as many people who would like to join us. I should also be grateful for volunteer hosts for the Social Evenings; if you volunteer it means you would only have to do it once every two years!

March Coffee Club was on the 31st when our topic of conversation was our Travelling Tales, many of which were hilarious!

Our April Coffee Club will be on Saturday, 28th when we will be planning the May to August programme.

We had a trip to Dobbies and MacArthur Glen on Saturday, 14th April and, as last year, it was a lovely sunny day. We had a quiz on the bus which was won by June Williamson and Doreen Werle. As it was Grand National Day we had a sweepstake which was won by Pauline North.

We had an April Social Evening on 21st April (with a St. George’s Day flavour) at the home of Ruth Houldsworth and the quiz was won by Lindsay Smith. Many thanks to Ruth for hosting us.

For any information about the Weekenders Group, please contact Sandra Green using the form below:-

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