News from the Choir

The choir continues to meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, at 1.20 pm and 11.20 am respectively, with 21 members and a regular attendance of approximately fifteen, (fourteen women, one man).

We have recently slightly changed our system, subscriptions are now £2 per meeting, with members purchasing their own music, which may be obtained at a reduced rate via the choir. A recent reduction in subs of £1 per meeting is expected to approximately cover the cost of the music.

We meet at Sherwood House, Linby, a comfortable venue, with free parking available. We are an informal choir, taking our singing seriously, but enjoying a little fun with it too. We perform for the U3A at Christmastime, and are occasionally happy to accept invitations to perform for other organizations. We welcome new members, no experience is necessary, and there aren’t auditions of any kind.

To contact the group’s Co-ordinator, Christine Hemsley, please use the form below:-

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