Hi, trust all is well with you all, our August Monthly Members’ Meeting was quite down in numbers as usual and expected, it was a pity really because our guest speaker Mr Graham Short talking on ‘My Life as a Micro Artist’ was very good and not only interesting but quite unbelievable the minute size of his engravings.
August has been a mixed mash of weather and I sincerely hope that none of you have had a wash out holiday if staying in the UK, or if in Europe keeping out of the sun and dodging the wildfires.
Due to the low turnout in August, we still have plenty of tickets for our September social gathering on Saturday 23rd Sept, at the John Godber Centre, it is a 60’s night with entertainment from a group called ‘Rocks and Frocks’ Tickets only £8, bring your own food and the JGC bar will be open.
May I remind you that three or four of our committee are leaving the committee having completed their full six year term, therefore we must have members willing to serve on the committee, please talk to me or any committee member if you are willing to consider joining us, it can be good fun and is of course essential as we cannot exist as a u3a without out prime committee members who are our trustees.
On another note we are looking for a new Group Leader(s) for both the Pub Lunch and Quiz Group and the Lunch Group. Sandra Green is regrettably having to step down from leading these two groups for many years due to personal circumstances.
Sandra has already prepared all of the Pub Quizzes for 2024, so that is one major task completed for the next leader. If you are in these groups please either volunteer or have a discussion as to who can take over as it would be a real shame for the groups to close. For further information, please talk to Sue Tedstone, our Group Co-ordinator.
As last year, we are having a stall on the Market Place at the Rotary Clubs ‘Hucknall Community Day’ if you feel that you can spare the odd hour to help and relieve on of the current volunteers, that would be great, please talk to me at the meeting. Last years event was very worthwhile, I would encourage you to visit on the day.
Look forward to seeing you all at September’s monthly meeting, please try and remember to wear your name badges so that all know who you are, and of course don’t forget to sign out if you leave early.
Melvyn Francis, Chair