History Group Tour of Ilkeston Town

The Group’s next meeting is on Wednesday April 19th at St. Mary’s Church, Ilkeston on the Market Place Church at 2pm. Stephen Flinders will meet us there and take us on a history based tour of the town. Erewash Museum is close by with free entry and a welcome to visitors. For foodies – tea rooms, café’s and Wetherspoons are nearby. If you would like to join us please include your name on the list.
Looking ahead.
There is a visit to the National Coal Mining Museum on Wednesday May 17th leaving from Hucknall Market at 9.30am departing from the museum at 4pm. The Museum is free but a returnable deposit of £3 is needed for underground tours. Would members who wish to go please check their diaries and be ready to sign up and pay £10 bus fare at the April meeting. Any cheques to be payable to Hucknall & District U3A – thanks.
June 21st is the date for a walk round the General Cemetery in Nottingham. This is an event specially for our U3A history group when Kevin who did the fantastic walk around the Lace Market will lead us again on this occasion. The starting point is the Canning Circus top end of the cemetery and it will finish at the bottom near the Trent University tram stop.

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