World History

The World History group has been running for two years but we have now decided to move to the daytime instead of in the evenin. We have also changed the time and day of the meeting to 10am – 12pm on the first Friday of the month.
The initial meeting will be in the John Godber centre were we will be discussing the Roman Empire on Friday 6th February 2015.
We have covered several areas in the past including WW1 which was a real eye opener as most of us knew very little about it. Each member researches parts of the topic and we share our information which usually leads to very lively discussions.
Some of the items we will be researching in the future are:
French Revolution
Russian Royals
Ancient Greece
Genghis Khan
Medieval Britain
History of UK’s interaction with Europe
and many others.
If you need any further information please contact Marguerite Hodkinson via the form below.

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