Ukulele for Fun

This long running, friendly group is most definitely for FUN! We welcome anybody of any ability to come along and join us.

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at  The  John Godber Centre between 10-11.30

Give us a try, you might well enjoy it!

Beginners & Improvers Ukulele Sessions

The Ukulele For Fun Group are pleased to announce that they are holding two Beginners & Improvers Sessions for members who would like to learn to play the ukulele or improve their skills. The first session will be held at The John Godber Center on Monday 15th July 2024. The session will start at 10:00 am and finish at 11:30 am. Another session has been arranged for Monday 19th July 2024 at the same venue and same time. Other sessions will be arranged after discussing how often members would like to meet and the numbers who wish to attend.

The aim of the group is to cover all the basic skills to get players started on the instrument and then to build the repertoire of songs. Short videos of 15 minutes or so by Phil Doleman for Complete Beginners will set the agenda. We will then practice together by playing songs that use the chords and techniques introduced by the video. Companion notes to the the videos and a songbook containing easy pieces are available for everyone attending.

Existing members of the Ukulele For Fun Group are also welcome either to brush up their own skills or to lend a hand with the tuition. So blow the dust from that Ukulele, borrow one from the Hucknall Library or approach myself or Phil to arrange a trial loan and set out on a journey which is guarenteed to provide hours of fun.

If interested please contact the Group Leader, Philip Attenborough, via the form below;-

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