Walking – Short Walks

We are a sociable group who meet on the third Thursday of each month to do a walk of 4 to 5 miles which takes about 2/2.5 hours walking on easy to moderate terrain. We usually start from various venues around the Hucknall area usually no more than 30 to 45 minutes drive away.

We also encourage members to suggest and lead walks and will offer help to do this if required. All we ask is you act responsibly and wear appropriate footwear and clothing for the conditions on the day and would suggest a personal first aid kit is carried.

Car share is available for non-drivers willing to share the cost.

We start the walks at 10 am so please allow sufficient time to be ready by arriving by 9.45am. In the event of severe weather we may decide to cancel the walk, please contact the group leader if you’re not sure. The walks are published on the website and in the monthly newsletter and details are sent to every member on the Beacon group list.

The current group leader is David Rose who may be contacted via the form below:-

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