Background: This group held the first meeting in May 2015.
We meet on the 3rd Friday of each month from 10am to 11.45 am at The John Godber Centre, Hucknall.
We have a broad remit. As well as revisiting topics that people will have experienced at school or later in life, from a modern perspective, we also aim to keep abreast of recent subjects of contemporary interest.
The tantalising possibilities of life in other parts of the Universe or of satellite landings on comets or on the moons of the outer planets of the solar system may be looked at.
Closer to home, scientific issues here on Earth – for instance the problem of how to tackle drug resistant bacteria or the concerns facing us all with global warming and energy resources may be examples we consider.
Members are encouraged to make a contribution and we do appreciate the commitment of all our speakers. Contributions from other members have often led to a lively discussion.
To contact the group leader, David Rose, please use the form below:-