The Hucknall U3A Reading Group meets once a month on the first Wednesday of each month from 2 pm to 4 pm at the home of Co-ordinator, Sandra Green.
Membership is limited to a maximum of ten people as this is a workable number and gives each member an opportunity to speak as an individual. The format of the Group is that a suggested plan is made at the beginning of the year as to what will be the subject matter of the books to be read each month. Members choose either a genre which they would like to read or a particular author.
The Co-ordinator will try and obtain sufficient books from the Library so that everyone has chance to read the book before the next meeting. Everyone has a “book buddy” with whom they share the selected book as the Library very often cannot obtain enough copies for everyone to have their own copy each month.
At the meeting discussion takes place on the set book, followed by opinions on other books members have read that month. This often gives rise to discussion on various topics and opinions in general.
There is an opportunity to look at the latest catalogue from The Book People and place an order if so wished. And of course we finish off with a cup of tea and a biscuit!
If anyone would like help to set up another Reading Group then please let Sandra Green know.
Contact Sandra Green for further information on telephone 0115 8408132 or through the form below.
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