Late Breakfast Group

This is a joint group with Ashfield U3A. We meet 6 times a year on the first Friday of January, March, May, July, September and November, for a full English Breakfast, usually at 9.30 for 9.45 a.m.
So far we have been to the Larch Farm, Ravenshead; The Little John, Ravenshead; the Queen’s Head, Watnall; and the Horse & Groom, Linby. Some of the venues have been visited for a second time, by popular demand.
We are usually limited to around 30 at any meeting as this is the maximum most venues can cope with. At the moment we have approx. 36 members, so anyone interested in joining would initially have to go onto a waiting list. But if enough new people are interested, then it is always possible for a second group to be started.
If you are interested, please contact Geoff Cree on 01623 794485, Mob. 07785 330354, or by using the form below.
Contact GEOFF CREE on this form.

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