It’s March — Happy New Year, ancient Romans!
Welcome to the third month of the year — or, if you were born before 150 B.C., the first! According to the oldest Roman calendars, one year was ten months long, beginning in March and ending in December. We can still see traces of this old system in our modern calendar: because December was the tenth month, it was named for the number ten in Latin (decem), just like September was named for seven (septem). So, what about January and February? They were just two nameless months called ‘winter.’
It is the first month of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the first month of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. And although March winds might blow it’s good to see the daylight hours getting longer.
The announcement of the ‘irreversible’ roadmap to bring the country out of lockdown has some key dates for our u3a. It is stressed however these are the earliest dates which could change depending on Covid transmission rates.
From March 29:
People will be able to meet outside in groups up to a maximum of 6 people who will still need to socially distance from each other. This will apply in all outdoor settings, including private gardens.
No earlier than May 17:
Further easing of limits on social contact, but gatherings of up to 30 will still not be allowed. Indoors, people will be able to meet socially in a group of 6.
No earlier than June 21:
Both the main committee and the social sub-committee will be planning a route through this road map for a gradual return to our group and social activities. Meanwhile we maintain contact with our partner venues such as the John Godber Centre –
Thanks David,
It’s great to keep up to date with what our friends are up to, we can’t wait to see everyone again soon. We’re expecting news today and hopefully by the end of the week will be able to update everyone once we’ve clarified the Government’s plans, the announcements are never 100% clear but fingers crossed we’ll have a better idea of when we’ll be able to reopen again.
Keep well and our best to all the members
Kim: John Godber Centre Manager
David Rose