Discussion Group

Discussion subjects for this month included:

The aging population and individual care plans. RESPECT forms and LPA (health and welfare)

Various explanations and reasons for ensuring that these are in place ready for any eventualities as we all get older.  The RESPECT form is an important statement that conveys our wishes in such cases as DNR (do not resuscitate).  The LPA should be in place where the individual may not be able to make their own decisions through illness. This gives an elected person the power to make decisions on their behalf. Costs were discussed.

Should ethnic minorities be called majority instead of minority.

It was felt that this is a play on words and that ‘all people are people’.

Should we bring the mammoth back?

Difficult question as this could work with flora and fauna but not practical for many creatures. We are the caretakers of the world – was one point.

Shall we rebel against the wasted hours spent on automated phone lines

A list was made of where this happens, including, ringing for appointments, services, waiting times on calls and unwanted calls. Little being done to address this situation.

Policeman in London – from recent court case

A discussion centred on the rights and wrongs of arrest and whether a policeman should have his name given before the case has gone to court.

We shared a short film made about our group which will be shown as part of Hucknall u3a Christmas entertainment.

The next meeting is on Monday 25th November at the John Godber.


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