Theatre Trips

Welcome to the Theatre group.
I mostly book tickets for the Theatre Royal and the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham. Luckily for us the tram stops right outside the theatre, so no worries about parking.
I usually aim for one show a month, but sometimes this doubles up as the plays and shows are too good to miss. I select shows which I want to see and invite you to come along. Once you have decided you want to come to I collect the ticket money so I can purchase the tickets.
Sometimes we meet for lunch before the show, as I always try and book matinees, this works out quite well. I arrange to meet you outside the theatre at 12 for lunch, or inside the theatre half and hour before the performance if you are not doing lunch. I give you your tickets and we spent the next two to three hours being entertained.
I do try and support amateur groups if possible, such as the Bonnington Theatre in Arnold and the Good Companions group in Derby.
If you are interested in joining me for any performance please come and see me at the next meeting of the U3A or contact me on the form below.

Details of Performances:

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